Need some tips on how to avoid complaints of disturbing your neighbors and limiting the noise coming from your home? We’ve lined up some great tricks to keep your sound levels down and help you be a friendlier, quieter neighbor.
Home Noise Reducing and Soundproofing Tips
Be Mindful of the Time
A general rule of thumb you should consider is not causing any noise disturbances in your building in a few critical time intervals throughout the day.
Very early mornings and late nights, for example, are not the times of day you should be listening to loud music or having the TV volume on too high. Sunday morning is another good example of when you shouldn’t drill any holes in your walls.
Try to be mindful of what neighbors you have and what their needs may be when it comes to times of peace and quiet.
If you are serious about being a quieter neighbor and want to cause as little annoyance as possible to your other neighbors, your first step should be to communicate with them. Ask them if any noise coming from your home is bothering them in particular or what times of day they would appreciate to enjoy more silence.
It could be when their kids are taking a nap, or when they are sleeping after a night shift. Check with your direct neighbors to find out what soundproofing you should consider and when you should be more mindful of any noise coming from your apartment.
Use Carpets
A good home soundproofing tip you can use to be a less noisy neighbor is putting carpets on the floor. Your downstairs neighbors will appreciate this the most. Noise from a stomping upstairs neighbor is one of the most common complaints in apartment buildings.
Laying some carpets can help drown out any transfer of sound caused by thin floors. They help limit any noise and vibrations you generate by walking around your apartment, listening to music, or watching TV, as well as ambient noise.
Use Slippers
It may sound counterintuitive but walking around barefoot can cause a lot of noise. Stomping is usually not as loud as it is annoying and 4 times out of 5 it is caused by a barefoot upstairs neighbor.
Slippers can help cushion your walk and limit the amount of noise you are exposing your downstairs neighbor to.
Avoid High or Loud Heeled Shoes
It should come as no wonder that the pointy tip of a high-heeled shoe on a laminate or hardwood floor can sound like chalk on a chalkboard. Anyone subjected to this type of noise can tell you it’s very discomforting.
So, if you want to be a good and quiet neighbor, try putting on your shoes just before you leave instead of walking around your house with them.
Use Noise Absorbing Solutions
Using some foam tape for weather stripping around your windows and doors can help you limit both the sounds coming out and the sounds coming into your apartment. You can use it to block out traffic or construction noise and protect your neighbors from any noise annoyances.
Drapes as well as door sweeps can also help soundproof your home.
For thin walls, a solution could be to install a big piece of furniture or an extra layer of insulation on the wall separating your apartment from your neighbour’s.

Check Your Habits
If you enjoy listening to loud music or you have a state-of-the-art sound system with a massive subwoofer, you should not assume your neighbors have the same preferences. Turning down the bass or using headphones to listen to music are much better alternatives. You will still be listening to loud music but not making everyone else do it too.
Get Your Hearing Tested
If your neighbors are constantly complaining about your TV and music levels being too loud but you think they are not, you may have some hearing issues. Testing your hearing is never a bad idea. It can help you stay on top of your hearing health and detect any issues ahead of time. There are solutions to test your hearing at home, too. Apps like the Decibel sound level meter have hearing test features you can easily use to solve this dilemma