Ways To Protect Your Hearing
Ways To Protect Your Hearing
Because hearing is one of our most important senses, we should always be mindful of keeping it safe. In this article, we’re getting into how to protect your hearing and your ears in daily life.
Can Sound Waves Kill You
Can Sound Waves Kill You
You’ve probably seen lethal sound weapons in spy and sci-fi movies. But how real are they? Is the idea that sound can kill you just myth or could it be real? In this article, we’re going to separate fact from fiction: can sound waves kill you? Read on to find out.
Safe Decibel Levels for Babies
Safe Decibel Levels for Babies
Babies and children can be at greater risk of hearing damage or hearing loss than adults. That’s because their inner ear is not fully developed. In fact, their ear canal is smaller, leading to greater sound pressure. This causes loud noise to be even louder for their sensitive ears.
Rock Concert Decibels Estimated
Rock Concert Decibels Estimated
It’s safe to assume you’ve wondered ‘How loud is a rock concert?’ at least once. If you haven’t, you should have. To protect your hearing, you need to be aware of exposure to high noise levels and their potential consequences on your hearing health.
How Far Can You Hear A Gunshot?
How Far Can You Hear A Gunshot?
When using guns, you should always also consider gun safety. However, hearing safety should be just as important to you. Why? Because of how many decibels a gunshot is, environments where firearms are used could be hazardous to your hearing.
When Is Hearing Protection Required?
When Is Hearing Protection Required?
Hearing protection is essential in certain environments. Employees in industrial and construction environments in particular are exposed to hazardous levels of noise. For this reason, hearing protection regulations and norms are put in place all around the world.
Protection from Harmful Noise Levels
Protection from Harmful Noise Levels
Do you ever wonder if the sounds you hear throughout a normal day could cause you harm? Or whether listening to your favourite music too loud can be damaging? Most people think of jet engines and explosions when they think of loud noises. They don’t think that environmental noise
Effects of coronavirus on hearing health
Effects of coronavirus on hearing health
As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world and affect more and more people, an increasing number of studies are being conducted in an attempt to clearly determine its symptoms and long-term effects. So far, researchers have determined that the virus affects the upper respiratory tract. It can also lead
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