How to cancel dB Meter subscription
How to cancel dB Meter subscription
First of all, please note that the dB Meter app has a lot of available free features, and you might think that you have a subscription because of the high number of features you have access to. However, these are all the functions available in the free plan. Also, please
How Loud Is a Chainsaw in Decibels?
How Loud Is a Chainsaw in Decibels?
In this article, we’re taking a closer look at one of these power tools to answer the question ‘How many decibels is a chainsaw?’
Comprehensive Decibel Chart of Common Sound Sources
Comprehensive Decibel Chart of Common Sound Sources
The human ear is very sensitive and perceives even the smallest differences in sound intensity. However, we may not always be aware of just how loud some sounds can be.
How Loud Is 80 Decibels
How Loud Is 80 Decibels
In this article, we’re taking a closer look at how loud is 80 decibels, and examples of this noise level to understand if exposure to 80 dB is safe for our hearing or not.
How Loud Is 120 Decibels
How Loud Is 120 Decibels
If you are curious as to just how loud 120 decibels is, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re taking a closer look at this decibel level to see what it is equivalent to and how intense a 120 dB sound can get.
How Loud Is 130 Decibels
How Loud Is 130 Decibels
In this article, we’re answering two important questions: ‘How loud is 130 decibels?’ and ‘Is 130 dB hearing-safe?’. Read on to learn all about what 130 dB is, examples of sounds that reach this decibel level, and comparisons with other sound intensity levels.
How Loud Is 85 Decibels
How Loud Is 85 Decibels
85 decibels is considered to be the maximum level of noise we should expose ourselves to for longer than 8 hours at a time. That is if we want to protect our hearing and prevent hearing damage or hearing loss.
How Loud Is 100 Decibels
How Loud Is 100 Decibels
The decibel scale helps us determine the loudness of sounds audible to the human ear. It ranges from 0 dB (softer than a leaf falling) to 120-140 dB (very loud sounds such as explosions that can instantly damage your hearing).
How Many Decibels Does A Human Speak Normally
How Many Decibels Does A Human Speak Normally
Wondering at how many decibels does a human speak normally? In this article, we're looking into the average decibel level of human speech. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this topic.
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